Molly Carlisle came on board as Garden Home’s Library Director in July 2018. Originally from Toledo, Ohio, she has worked in public libraries since 2001. She started as a children’s librarian in western North Carolina, then spent fifteen years working down the road at Tigard Public Library before joining the GHCL staff. In her free time, she likes to hang out with her husband and daughter, visit family and friends around the country, spend time in Oregon’s gorgeous wild places, enjoy the current golden age of television and, of course, read!


Casey works as a Youth Services Librarian at GHCL. Their librarianship is informed by their experience teaching Contemporary Art Camp to elementary-school-aged artists in North Carolina, serving as Assistant Director of MoMA’s summer high school art program, self-publishing hand-drawn zines and coloring books, and leading nature sketching hikes for families in Flagstaff, Arizona. Next time you attend a Beaverton Symphony Orchestra program, look for Casey in the string bass section!

Heather is Garden Home’s Adult Services Librarian, which means she plans and markets the library's events for adults.  Heather also processes and requests Interlibrary Loans, which are items retrieved from outside WCCLS.  She has worked at GHCL since Sept. 2009 and earned her Masters in Library Science in 2020.  Heather doesn't have a favorite genre, but she does have the propensity to read Pacific Northwest and Southern authors, as well as anything about music, NASA and shipwrecks.

Kate has been on staff in various capacities since 2013, and currently serves as the library’s administrative coordinator. In her free time, she enjoys science fiction, being in the woods, goofing off with her two teenagers, and making mediocre ceramic mugs for unsuspecting friends and family. 

Amber is a human woman who moved to Oregon in 2019 with her husband and their standard poodle canine life-form, BoJack. She is a former English teacher and worked at Mt. Juliet Public Library near Nashville, Tennessee, for five Earth years before making the move west. In her free time, she enjoys listening to other human voices transmit via audiobooks and podcasts, as well as meditation, macramé, and bipedal walks in the woods.

Bakul is happy to be part of this wonderful team in the Garden Home Community Library. She truly appreciates what the library represents to bring the community together. She also works as a library assistant at North Plains Public Library. Bakul has a Masters in Biology and is trained in the Indian classical dance form of Bharatnatyam, music and yoga.  She enjoys conducting Storytime in Marathi-Hindi and English and introducing children to a new language through wonderful stories. She also volunteers in the Marathi Language school (which she helped start) where kids learn how to read, write and communicate in Marathi. Bakul likes teaching dance and music to beginners and helping them discover a new form of art! She also enjoys gardening, reading non-fiction books, listening to music, and traveling. 

Steve is a husband, father, and musician. It has been his delight to work on-call at GHCL since October of 2015 and at West Slope since July 2024. When not at the library, Steve plays both electric and upright bass in six bands. It keeps him busy and gives him a much-needed creative output!

Originally from Montana, Kim moved to Portland to attend Lewis & Clark College and never left! She worked for a decade in social services before transitioning to libraries. She has been working as a library assistant at Garden Home Community Library since January 2025 and at West Slope Library since May 2023. Kim enjoys serving the public and connecting people with resources and information. When she is not at the library you can find her discovering new favorite teas, watching movies, reading, playing at the coast, or enjoying spring wildflowers in the gorge.